Minggu, 27 Februari 2011


ehmmm..seminggu lagi udah masuk kuliah..and..
udah semester 4 aja..
ga berasa jg..hehe

hmm..liburan yg ngebosenin soalnya oby udah masuk kuliah..
ya begini klo liburan ga ada dy jadi jayus

senengnyaaa..hubungan yg kita jalanin semakin membaik..
oohh..I love him more and more each days..
berasa banget klo ga ketemu sm dia..bawaannya kangen terus..
bulan februari udh mo abis nih besok..
ga ada tgl 29..ga ada anniversary..
and you know what...bln depan udah setaunan aja sm oby..
        THANK YOU, GOD!
semoga ini jadi awal yg baik buat kita ke depannya.. AMIIIIINNNNN

makin banyak aja berkat Tuhan di tahun ini..
          GOD is GOOD
DIA ga pernah terlambat atau terlalu cepat,
semua selalu indah pada waktuNya..

Thank You Jesus for all that you gave to me.. :)

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

i love you means...

means that I accept you for the  person that you are and that I don't wish to change you into someone else.
It means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times.
It means loving you when you're in a bad mood or too tired to do things I want to do.
It means loving you when you're down, not just when you're fun to be with.

I love you
means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them, asking in return only that you don't judge me for mine.
It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love you enough not to let go.

Loving you means standing by you even when you are ripping my heart piece by piece..

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

nyampah :D

Hai.. now i'm at home, just to waste my time for playing "it girl" in facebook, and i start to think to update my blog..hhhh...
i don't have any idea for what I'll write in my blog...
what about my boyfriend's ex girlfriend??? haha no..no..i don't think so.. she's just ruins my mood..
hey girl,GO TO HELL and plays with ur friends there..
hahahaha (evil laugh)
she's just a freak girl who was busy taking care of other people's business with her f*cking mouth!
(sarat dengan emosi, isn't it?! haha)

hm hm.. I miss my lovely boyfriend, gendut..
want to hold him tight..so tight..
ooohhhh...i miss him like wow!!!

i want to meet him tomorrow..
yeaaaayyyyy!!! really can't wait to see him..
i love him too much.. 

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

ooooohhh my (fake) bestfriend

okay..let's start it about..my (fake) bestfriend..
actually, I think you're my very best friend...
but yesterday i heard some stories about you and your f*cking mouth..
you act nice to me as if you were a really good friend, but then I realized, it might be only 'act', they might be FAKE.

you talk about my life everywhere behind me in the title of "she's my best friend"
and for Godsake, I'm so sick of those 'fake' things!!
i'm sorry my SUPERDUPER bestfriend, I don't believe you anymore, it really dissapointing me..